This prize, which has made me extremely happy, belongs to my students as much as it belongs to me, for they have contributed with their posts, comments and suggestions to make this blogging adventure such a satisfying experience.
ESL Bloggers was born in July 2008 and our journey in the blogosphere has only started, so this prize has encouraged us to go on with even more enthusiasm.
I am most thankful to "Asociación Espiral" and to all the people who have made this blog possible with their contributions, encouragement and support.
I think this is the recognition of a well done work. You get that learning English was a very entertaining activity. Congratulations!
Parabéns!! ¡Enhorabuena desde 'Portugalite'!
Susana e Chema
This morning we received this good news.The rewards always welcome. It is a pleasure to share it. Congratulations!
Great.I'm very happy for this news.Congratulations everyone!
Congratulations! You deserve it. I know you've worked very hard.
Congrats! I'm very happy for you all
Congratulations to you too, Mª Jesús! Your work is fantastic! See you in Gijón.
I want to say thank you to all of you, who have encouraged me to go on every day with your support and
your presence in this blog, which is my place and yours.
Thank you to my colleagues too. Sharing is fun, specially with such interesting blogging companions.
Your blog is really good so you must feel proud of your prize and of your work. I am very happy that I have discovered your blog through this competition and now you are linked to my blog.
Congratulations, Mª Jesús! I've just been told at noon today by some other colleagues.
All the best,
Mª Jesús
enhorabuena, m. jesús. te lo mereces.
Thanks again to all or you for your compliments. I'm so glad you like this blog and find it interesting!
Ante todo FELICITACIONES por el Premio obtenido.
Mi nombre es Cristina Velázquez y soy Profesora de Informática, de Ciencias Exactas y capacitadora de docentes en TIC.
Quiero invitarla a participar de una de mis iniciativas denominada "Tu Blog en mi Blog"
Para que comprenda mejor de qué se trata, puede leer la presentación en
Si desea saber más sobre mi puede visitar alguno de mis otros blogs:
Espero que le interese la propuesta de contarnos, a través de una entrada, acerca de este Blog
Prof. Cristina Velázquez
Gracias por tus felicitaciones, Cristina. Desde luego que estaré encantada de participar en "Tu Blog en mi Blog". Me parece una idea original y fantástica.
Estoy encantada de que me hayas invitado a formar parte de ella.
Congratulations Mª Jesús. I know you've worked hard these months, but you've got the reward you deserve.
I told you it was really good!!
Congratulations!!!.See you in Gijón.
I am one of your students who probabily has been less time in your class because of my family life, but it seems as if you were with me and I enjoyed myself with your blog so I am sure that you have won the silver spinning top because you worked a lot for all of those people who can´t be present in your class but can have a look and it will encourage us to learn English. Yes, you will.
I'm so happy to hear that you have enjoyed this blog and it has been useful to you! Thanks Margot, Andrés, Paco,Angel and Chema for your compliments and your contrubutios to this blog, which also belongs to you and to the rest of your classmates.
Wow! Didn't know about it!!! You absolutely deserve it!! Congrats!
CU soon?
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